Scala Developer Journey into Rust - Part 4: Algebraic Data Types
Rust is one of the major programming languages that’s been getting popular in recent years. It has many advanced high level language features like Scala.This made me interested to learn Rust. So in this next series of blogs I will share my experience with Rust from a Scala developer point of view. I would like to explore how these two language approach things. I would like to explore the similarities and their differences.
This is fourth post in the series. In this post, I will be talking about algebraic data types. You can find all the other posts in the series here.
Algebraic Data Types
Algebraic data types, are the abstractions used to represent composite data types in a program. They are quite popular in functional languages likes Scala, ML etc. These data types helps representing many real world data in very precise manner. Scala as the functional language uses them quite heavily across different part of the language.
One of the good example for ADT is Option type in Scala. This data type is composition of two types. One is None and another is Some. Option is type is used wherever the value is optional. You can know more about ADT in Scala in this article.
Rust is one of the first system programming language to embrace the ADT’s. Rust standard library comes with many ADT’s like Option, Result etc.
In this post, we are going to discuss how a given ADT is represented and used in the Scala and Rust.
Implementing Option ADT
In this post, we are going to implement minimal Option ADT. Even though it’s part of base language, implementing it will gives us understanding of how to implement any ADT.
The below are the different parts
Contract of ADT
ADT may look like a normal data type. It may look like one abstract class with multiple extending child classes. But one big difference between ADT and normal data types are, all the composite part of the types should be known before hand. There should not be an option to create more subclasses by other users, because then it will break the contract of an ADT. Different language achieve this differently.
Option ADT in Scala
The below is the code to define an Option ADT in Scala.
sealed trait Optional[+T]
case object CNone extends Optional[Nothing]
case class CSome[T](value:T) extends Optional[T]
The names CNone and CSome is used to avoid the clash with standard library classes.
Here a sealed trait is used because Scala doesn’t allow creating subclass of a sealed trait outside of this source file. This makes sure that we have fixed number of sub classes.
Option ADT in Rust
The below is the code to define Option ADT in Rust
enum Optional<T> {
Rust used enum’s for defining ADT’s. Rust version is more concise and meaningful. As enum have constraint of defining all of it’s components at the time of creating, it makes sure that we preserve the contract of ADT.
Using Enum for ADT in Scala
One of the interesting development recently happened in Scala, was plan to have a improved enum support in Scala. This is going to be part of Dotty/ Scala 3.0. In this version, enum’s are going to be used to represent the ADT’s which is very similar to Rust. You can find more information in this dotty doc.
Using Option ADT
ADT’s are primarily used with match expressions. One of the important part of match expression with ADT is, you need to handle all the components of ADT when you are matching. If you skip any part you will get a warning or error from compiler. This makes sure that we don’t miss accidentally some part of expression.
The below sections show how to create and use ADT’s in Scala and Rust.
Using Option ADT in Scala
val intOptionalSome:Optional[Int] = CSome(10)
intOptionalSome match {
case CSome(value) => println("value is {}", value)
case CNone => println("none value")
If we skip one of the cases Scala compiler gives below warning.
[warn] match may not be exhaustive.
[warn] It would fail on the following input: CNone
[warn] intOptionalSome match {
[warn] ^
Using Option ADT in Rust
let int_optional_some:Optional<i32> = Optional::CSome(10);
match int_optional_some {
Optional::CSome(value) => println!("value is {}", value),
Optional::CNone => println!("none value")
If we skip one of the cases Rust compiler gives below error.
int_optional_some {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ pattern `CNone` not covered
You can find complete code for Scala on github.
You can find complete code for Rust on github.
ADT’s are one of the best abstractions to model different data in programming. Rust has excellent support for them like we have it in Scala. So if you enjoy using ADT’s in the Scala, those goodies will transfer when you start dabbling in Rust.