Multiple Column Feature Transformations in Spark ML
Feature transformations are one of the most important and time consuming part of any machine learning pipeline. As number of columns increases, these transformations also grow with it. So having improvement in performance in these will improve the overall performance of the machine learning system.
Spark ML Feature Transformations Before Spark 2.3
Till spark 2.3, most of the ML transformations supported single column at a time.
The below code show one example of such transformation.
In above code, we are one hot encoding one column. If we have 20 categorical columns, we need to create 20 one hot encoders, which will run one after another. This is highly time consuming.
Multi-Column ML Transformations from Spark 2.3
Combining multiple columns together for feature transformations improve the overall performance of the pipeline. So from 2.3, spark has started supporting multiple column transformations for few of the built in transformations.
So from Spark 2.3 version, we can do all the one hot encoding in one shot as shown in the below code
In above code, we can observe that setInputCols allows us to set multiple columns at same time. This make sure that we run all the one hot encoding for multiple columns together.
Missing Transformations
In Spark 2.3 and 2.4 only few of the built-in transformations support the multiple columns. Few of the the missing ones are
• StringIndexer
• Binarizer
Support for these will be added in spark 3.0.
You can access complete code on github.
From Spark 2.3, spark supports multi-column feature transformations. These greatly speedup the real world ML pipelines.