Migrating to Spark 2.0 - Part 6 : Spark ML Transformer API
Spark 2.0 brings a significant changes to abstractions and API’s of spark platform. With performance boost, this version has made some of non backward compatible changes to the framework. To keep up to date with the latest updates, one need to migrate their spark 1.x code base to 2.x. In last few weeks, I was involved in migrating one of fairly large code base and found it quite involving process. In this series of posts, I will be documenting my experience of migration so it may help all the ones out there who are planning to do the same.
This is the sixth post in this series.In this post we will discuss about spark ml transformer API. You can access all the posts here.
TL;DR You can access all the code on github.
Machine Learning in Spark 2.0
In spark 1.x, MLLib was the library offered by spark for doing machine learning on large data. MLLib was based on rdd abstraction. So from 1.4, spark started to move to new library called Spark ML which implements machine learning algorithms using dataframe abstraction. As spark ML is new library compared to MLLib it was not feature complete and was in beta through the 1.x series. So MLLib was de facto library for machine learning.
But from spark 2.0, spark ML becomes de facto machine library. mllib will be around for backward compatibility. So from 2.0, all the machine learning algorithms will be using newer abstractions like dataframe/dataset rather than rdd.
Transformer and Evaluator API
In spark ML, data preparation is represented using transformation API. The learning algorithm are represented using Evaluator API. These two form the basis of the spark ML API’s and abstractions. You can learn more about them in below link
Changes to API’s
In spark 1.x, transformer and evaluator API, used to operate on dataframe abstraction. But from spark 2.0, it’s changed to use Dataset API. As Dataset abstraction is more versatile than the dataframe this change makes library more powerful.
If you are using built in transformers or evaluators , then you don’t have to worry. All code works without any change.
But if you have implemented you own custom transformer/ evaluator, then you need to change the code to accommodate this API change.
Custom Transformer in 1.x
The below code shows a simple transformer in spark 1.x. It’s an identity transformer.
class IdentityTransformer(override val uid:String=Identifiable.randomUID("identity")) extends Transformer {
override def transform(inputData:DataFrame):DataFrame = {
override def copy(paramMap:ParamMap) = this
override def transformSchema(schema:StructType)= schema
In the above code, you can observe transform method takes a dataframe and returns a dataframe.
You can access complete code on github.
Custom Transformer in 2.x
The below code shows modified version of the above transformer in 2.0
class IdentityTransformer(override val uid: String = Identifiable.randomUID("identity")) extends Transformer {
override def transform(inputData: Dataset[_]): DataFrame = {
override def copy(paramMap: ParamMap) = this
override def transformSchema(schema: StructType) = schema
As you can observe from the code, transform now takes Dataset rather than dataframe. One thing to note that return type is still remains to be dataframe.
Also first line transform, we are calling toDF on dataset so we can port code easily.
You can access complete code on github.
Advantage of Dataset over Dataframe.
The API change may seem small and unnecessary. But there is very valid reason to move from dataframe to Dataset abstraction for spark ml.
In mllib API’s, we were able to represent the data using case classes like LabelPoint. This made a compact way of representing data for given algorithm. But with moving to dataframe abstraction we lost that option. As we can’t represent custom structured data in dataframe, it’s not possible to do any validation at compile time. So we may be sending wrong dataframe to an algorithm which is expecting some other structure altogether. This made code more complicated and difficult to validate.
Dataset alleviates all these problems. Dataset abstraction can represent custom structures very efficiently. As we represented in mllib like RDD[LabelPoint] we can now represent it as Dataset[LablePoint]. This makes code compile time safe.
You can read more in this jira.
In this post, we have discussed about the change to spark ML API’s and how to migrate the code accommodate the same.