This is the second article in series “ Apache Tuscany” which introduces you to the open source SCA framework Apache tuscany. This post talks about hello world with Apache Tuscany.


  1. Eclipse 3.4 or above
  2. Maven Eclipse Plug in
  3. Apache tuscany Eclipse plugin
  4. Java 1.6

###Installing Tuscany distribution

  • Download Apache tuscany 2.0-M5 from the following link

  • Untar(zip) the downloaded tuscany distribution to a directory location. We will refer this location as TUSCANY_HOME

###Creating a Maven Project in Eclipse

  • Goto File->New->Other
  • Select Maven project and press Next
  • Just keep default setttings and press Next
  • tuscany-contribution-jar as Artifact and press Next

Enter following details

Group id : com.demo

Artifact Id : sca

Package :

Press Finish . Now you can see a maven project in your eclipse workspace

Source code


The project creates a interface called as HelloWorldService . This interface is just a java interface having @Remotable annotation. This annotation is used to make interface a remotable interface .

#####2.Implementation Class

HelloWorldImpl class implements the remotable interface . It uses @Scope(“COMPOSITE”) which says this class (or component) will act as the composite service provider.

####3. Composite File

In resource folder , a HelloWorld.composite file will be created. This file will define the configuration for the compositions. Replace the code in HelloWorld.composite by below code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<composite xmlns=""

<component name="HelloworldComponent">
< class=""/>
<service name="HelloworldService">
< interface="" />
< uri="http://localhost:8080/HelloWorld" />


This creates a Web service at URL http://localhost:8080/HelloWorld
Note that the service name should be as same as the Interface Name

####4.Contribution file
In META-INF , there is a file filed name sca-contribution.xml .It used to specify which component will be used as launching component. Replace the code by below code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<contribution xmlns=""
<deployable composite="sample:hello-sca2"/>

####5.Building the project
Right click on the project and select Run as >Maven Install . It will create a jar file containing the classes of the project.

####6.Running the project
In this example , we will run the project outside of eclipse . Copy the helloworld.jar to $TUSCANY_HOME/bin

  • In windows

cd $TUSCANY_HOME /bin(replace by actual path)
./tuscany.bat helloworld.jar

  • In linux

$ cd $TUSCANY_HOME/bin ( (replace by actual path)
$./ helloworld.jar

If there are no errors, tuscany will create a web service at http://localhost:8080/HelloWorld