Kryo disk serialization in Spark
In apache spark, it’s advised to use the kryo serialization over java serialization for big data applications. Kryo has less memory footprint compared to java serialization which becomes very important when you are shuffling and caching large amount of data.
Though kryo is supported for RDD caching and shuffling, it’s not natively supported to serialize to the disk. Both methods, saveAsObjectFile on RDD and objectFile method on SparkContext supports only java serialization.
As number of custom data types increases it’s tedious to support multiple serialization’s. So it will be nice if we can use kryo serialization everywhere.
In this post, we are going to discuss about how to use kryo serialization to save and read from the disk.
tl;dr You can access complete example code here.
Normally we use rdd.saveAsObjectFile api to save the serialized object’s into the disk. The following code shows how you can write your own saveAsObjectFile method which saves the objects in kryo serialization format.
We take rdd that to be written and output path as input parameters.
KryoSerializer is a helper class provided by the spark to deal with kryo. We create a single instance of KryoSerializer which configures the required buffer sizes provided in the configuration.
Every objectFile is saved as HDFS sequence files. So we loop over each of the rdd split and then convert those split into byte arrays.
For every splitArray, first we create an instance of kryo. kryo instances are not thread safe. That’s why we create one for each map operation. When we call kryoSerializer.newKryo() it creates a new instance of kryo and also it calls our custom registrator if any.
Once we have the kryo instance, we create kryo output. Then we write class information and object to that output.
Once we have the byte representation from the kryo, we wrap that bytearray inside the BytesWritable and save as Sequence file.
So with few lines of code, now we can save our kryo objects into the disk.
You can access the complete code here.
It’s not enough if you are able to write to disk. You should be also able to create RDD from this data. Normally we use objectFile api on sparkContext to read from disk. Here we are going to write our own objectFile api to read kryo object files.
Most of the steps are same as writing, only difference being we use input rather than using output. We read the bytes from BytesWritable and deserialize using readClassAndObject api.
The following example uses above two methods to serialize and deserialize a custom object named Person.
So if you are using kryo serialization in your project, now you can same serialization for saving into the disk also.